Consumer Law


My Contractor is Not Licensed, so filing a DPOR Complaint Will Not Help – What Are My Options as a Consumer?

Many people in the metro-DC area have security clearances. When a legal issue arises, they are rightfully concerned about the impact on their security clearance and the corresponding impact on their careers.
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Being Sued for a Negative Review Posted on Yelp, Angie’s List, Google or Another Website? The D.C. Anti-SLAPP Act Could Help

Many people in the metro-DC area have security clearances. When a legal issue arises, they are rightfully concerned about the impact on their security clearance and the corresponding impact on their careers.
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A Consumer Guide to the Virginia Lemon Law

Many people in the metro-DC area have security clearances. When a legal issue arises, they are rightfully concerned about the impact on their security clearance and the corresponding impact on their careers.
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How Do I Remove Defamatory or Libelous Content from the Internet?

Many people in the metro-DC area have security clearances. When a legal issue arises, they are rightfully concerned about the impact on their security clearance and the corresponding impact on their careers.
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Why is Defamatory or Libelous Content Allowed Online?

Many people in the metro-DC area have security clearances. When a legal issue arises, they are rightfully concerned about the impact on their security clearance and the corresponding impact on their careers.
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Guide to Litigation Forms in Virginia General District Court

Many people in the metro-DC area have security clearances. When a legal issue arises, they are rightfully concerned about the impact on their security clearance and the corresponding impact on their careers.
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A Powerful Tool for Consumers: the Virginia Consumer Protection Act

Many people in the metro-DC area have security clearances. When a legal issue arises, they are rightfully concerned about the impact on their security clearance and the corresponding impact on their careers.
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About the Author

Steven Krieger and guests (lawyers and non-lawyers) will periodically post about topics relevant to his firm and practice areas. Your comments and feedback are always welcome. 

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